Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Several years ago my buddy Shabby unearthed this short UK tv documentary on French music legend Serge Gainsbourg and now you can check it out over at the Purple Zombie DJ blog. I found it really entertaining and quite informative considering it is only 25 minutes long. But I think, possibly because of the short running time, they focused a bit more on the scandals and sensationalism of Gainsbourg's life and I kind of wish there was a little more time spent looking closer at his music. Still, this fast-paced little doc has some great interviews with Jane Birkin and others that knew him, some nice footage of Gainsbourg singing as well as interviews (including the infamous F-bomb dropped on live tv in front of Whitney Houston), recording sessions and other rare footage.

"Serge Gainsbourg: France's Secret Vice" video at the Purple Zombie DJ blog is at http://purplezombiedj.blogspot.com/2010/09/serge-gainsbourg-frances-secret-vice.html

Under Arrest: A Tribute To Serge Gainsbourg website (French language) is at http://www.gainsbourg.org/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dr.Penis!!! Very nice picture too, what a great couple they make! They're so beautiful together